Friday, January 06, 2006

I have an exam tomorrow and I don't know what they'll be testing me on. I don't know how long it goes for (an hour I think). I know I am to bring my own pen, but I don't know how many other people are sitting it or where they live. Or what they do in their spare time, or what their hobbies are. I know, I know, I'm getting off track. Exam. Tomorrow. Right.

What would Clover do?


At 3:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All sounds very intriguing - if I didn`t know what it was. How did it go? How many people were there?

At 5:32 PM, Blogger As above said...

There were 24 other unique and sparkly young things there. Or rather, 23 after one had a panic attack and ran out crying.
It went okay. I made a few stupid mistakes that will probably count against me. A mighty shame though, I was so totally the most sparkly one there, even without the glitter pens.
Thank god for friends and vino.


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