Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Does it go 'chicken, egg, gift tag' or 'gift tag, egg, chicken'?

It’s beginning to look a bit festive again. Clover Moore has relented and has come to the party and so am I. With chickens. Lots and lots of chickens. After the beach towel debacle of last year, I feel this is finally the perfect marriage of carefully honed consumerism and vague feelings of love/affection/philanthropy.

Or as my sister noted:

“We could get mum a hen and everyone else either a hen or an immunization. Actually, we could probably even get a piglet for mum. What do you think?”

Though a piglet would be nice, it would probably be harder to wrap.

“What are you talking about? You don’t get the piglet, someone in Myanmar does. They probably don’t even wrap it anyway.”

That’s not very festive then.

To be entirely frank I am not a huge fan of World Vision. There are other charities I prefer to donate to and sometimes I think that it can be a bit of a case of style over substance. But then, that’s exactly why I buying the aforementioned chickens to surprise everyone on Christmas day.

Perhaps I’m not a good person after all.


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