Saturday, October 01, 2005

One lump or two?

People from Sydney don’t generally look at each other in the eye. Ours is not a culture that engages physically, at least in that way. Into this category also falls the European cheek kiss and the Southeast Asian bus seat.

The man who I buy my work coffee from had a large snot in his moustache today. The moustache is like the eyebrow in that is intended to catch stray particles – such as snot or falling spider monkeys and prevent them from falling in ones eyes, mouth or coffee. What concerns me is not so much the booger, but that I had been buying his coffee for several weeks and had not yet spotted it. I wonder if he only rosters it on casually.

So from now on I am looking him in the eye. Forget the eyebrows, hairline, lower cheek or nose tip. Some types of bodily acknowledgement are easier to take than others.


At 11:16 PM, Blogger TimT said...

Maybe moustaches are like tree rings; you can tell how long their owners have had them by the amount of phlegm, snot, and booger residing in their fluff.

Hmmm, I feel there is a thesis in this.


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